Budget & Finance

The Budget & Finance Department’s operational and supportive purpose is to: protect CRPD’s assets, oversees financial policies and procedures, assess risk for internal controls and segregation of duties, facilitate the fiscal budget book, coordinate the independent financial audit, process accounts payable vendor invoices, manage cost recovery and accounts receivable billings, analyze the capital outlay and capital improvement plan, and report to the Board of Directors and oversight committees. Contact the Budget & Finance Department for financial documents and vendor information.


To access current and past year budget, financial statements, financial policies information about the Reserve Study, click on the links below.

Reserve Study: CRPD contracted with an outside firm to evaluate the assets within the district, associated future expenses, life cycle expiration and long-term asset costs. Received in October 2014, the resulting report analyzes nine areas within the district within three main categories: expense, reserve funding and component listing.